Baron Műnchhausen

Baron Prášil / Karel Zeman / CSR 1961 / 80 min. / HD file
The worldwide fame of his previous films secured Karel Zeman a strong position in the Czechoslovak film industry. The budget of his new project, a loose adaptation of the stories of the legendary Baron Münchhausen, eventually reached an astronomical 6.6 million crowns.


Saturday 27.07.2024
21:30 - 23:05
Open-air Cinema Smetana Park
Director: Karel Zeman / CSR 1961 / 80 + 15 min. / HD file / czech / english subtitles
Introduction: Aleš Říman

Additional info

Directed by
Karel Zeman
Karel Zeman, Josef Kainar (dialogy), Jiří Brdečka (vyprávění)
Jiří Tarantík
Zdeněk Liška
Miloš Kopecký (baron Prášil), Jana Brejchová (princezna Bianca di Castelo Negro), Rudolf Jelínek (astronaut Toník), Karel Höger (básník Cyrano z Bergeracu), Jan Werich (kapitán holandské lodi), Rudolf Hrušínský (sultán), Eduard Kohout (generál Elemele, velitel pevnosti), Bohuš Záhorský (admirál)