Bringing Up Baby

Howard Hawks / USA 1938 / 102 min. / Blu-ray
Crazy, mad, eccentric. It is said that such a charming, absurd comedy must have been conceived in a madhouse. The storyline, which unfolds from the point where a rare dinosaur bone is carried away by a dog of an eccentric heiress, opens a perfect space for a wild battle of sexes.


Saturday 29.07.2023
12:00 - 13:52
Hvězda Cinema
Director: Howard Hawks / USA 1938 / 102 + 10 min. / Blu-ray / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Iva Hejlíčková
Wednesday 02.08.2023
21:30 - 23:22
Reduta - Big Hall
Director: Howard Hawks / USA 1938 / 102 + 10 min. / Blu-ray / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Iva Hejlíčková

Additional info

Directed by
Howard Hawks
Dudley Nichols, Hagar Wildeová
Russell Metty
Roy Webb
Katharine Hepburnová (Susan Vanceová), Cary Grant (David Huxley), Charlie Ruggles (major Applegate), Walter Catlett (Slocum), Barry Fitzgerald (Aloysius Gogarty), May Robsonová (teta Elizabeth), Fritz Feld (dr. Lehman), Leona Robertsová (paní Gogartyová)