Escape to Buda

Útěk do Budína / Miloslav Luther / Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary 2002 / 110 min. / HD file
Adapted from Vladislav Vančura’s eponymous novel, the film follows a complicated Czech-Slovak romantic relationship set against the backdrop of social and political changes in Europe after the First World War. The epic drama about passion and desire offers a vivid depiction of the era when old certainties went up in flame.


Monday 31.07.2023
10:45 - 13:20
Reduta - Big Hall
Director: Miloslav Luther / Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary 2002 / 110 + 45 min. / HD file / slovak
Guest: Miloslav Luther

Additional info

Directed by
Miloslav Luther
Martin Porubjak, Marian Puobiš, Miloslav Luther
Vladimír Holloš
Ivan Marton, Miloslav Luther (výběr)
Lenka Vlasáková (Jana), Ondřej Sokol (Tomáš), Boleslav Polívka (Štefan), Irena Konvalinová (matka), Petr Motloch (Brehm), Klára Sedláčková (Dora)