Explanation for Everything

Magyarázat mindenre / Gábor Reisz / Hungary, Slovak Republic 2023 / 151 min. / DCP
Ábel is going to graduate from high school, but instead of studying, he is tormented by unrequited love. His classmate is in love with someone else to whom Ábel unexpectedly complicates his life. Gábor Reisz draws a love triangle and, at the same time, a portrait of contemporary Hungarian society where even an innocent remark can have far-reaching political consequences.


Monday 29.07.2024
16:30 - 19:16
Director: Gábor Reisz / Hungary, Slovak Republic 2023 / 151 + 15 min. / DCP / english, hungarian / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Kamila Dolotina
Wednesday 31.07.2024
21:00 - 23:46
Culture Centre - Big Hall
Director: Gábor Reisz / Hungary, Slovak Republic 2023 / 151 + 15 min. / DCP / english, hungarian / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Kamila Dolotina

Additional info

Directed by
Gábor Reisz
Gábor Reisz, Éva Schulzeová
Kristóf Becsey
Kálmán András, Gábor Reisz
Gáspár Adonyi-Walsh (Ábel), István Znamenák (otec), Lilla Kizlingerová (Janka), András Rusznák (Jakab), Krisztina Urbanovitsová (matka)