
Spectateurs! / Arnaud Desplechin / France 2024 / 88 min. / DCP
What was the first film in your life? Do you cry at the movies? Where do you watch them? Is it from the very back, right from the middle or from the first row where the screen fills most of your visual field, and you are absorbed by moving pictures? Desplechin introduces his documentary film essay, and at the same time, an auto-fictional coming of age about how first loves may be born in the projection box during the screening of Daisies.


Monday 29.07.2024
18:30 - 20:58
Hvězda Cinema
Director: Arnaud Desplechin / France 2024 / 88 + 60 min. / DCP / english, french / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Guest: Arnaud Desplechin

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Directed by
Arnaud Desplechin
Arnaud Desplechin
Noé Bach
Grégoire Hetzel
Louis Birman (Paul, 6 let), Mathieu Amalric (Paul Dédalus), Salif Cissé, Françoise Lebrunová, Micha Lescot, Milo Machado-Graner, Olga Milshteinová