HOT TV: Jak se dělá festival o evropské televizní tvorbě

HOT TV: How to Run a Festival about European TV Production

HOT TV: Jak se dělá festival o evropské televizní tvorbě / 90 min.
Television production in individual European countries is very diverse, but it is usually hardly accessible. One of the ways of getting acquainted with it is by visiting a festival. Kamila Zlatušková, festival director of Serial Killer, Riet de Prins, programmer of TV Fiction at Prix Europa, and Jana Jedličková, ex-programmer at the AFO and SFS festivals, will discuss the challenges of organising a festival about the European television production.


Saturday 29.07.2023
16:00 - 17:30
Respekt Tent
90 min. / english / translation into czech
Guest: Jana Jedličková, Riet de Prinsová, Kamila Zlatušková