
Patricia Ortegová / Spain 2023 / 83 min. / DCP
Cruz is a seventy-year-old Catholic woman who lives in a rigid Spanish community full of sexual prejudices. One day she is exposed to the Internet and, due to a single errant click, also to online pornography. A train of subsequent events leads her to rediscovering her own body. The film is a touching and humorous “sex-positive” drama about searching for physical and emotional freedom.


Sunday 30.07.2023
12:00 - 13:33
Hvězda Cinema
Director: Patricia Ortegová / Spain 2023 / 83 + 10 min. / DCP / spanish / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Silvie Suchnová, Jan Jílek

Additional info

Directed by
Patricia Ortegová
Patricia Ortegaová, José Ortuño
Fran Fernández Pardo
Paloma Peñarrubiaová
Kiti Mánverová (Cruz), María José Mariscalová (Laura), Pepe Quero (Eduardo), Loles Gutiérrezová (María), Silvia Acostaová (Carlota), Mari Paz Sayagová (Marina)