Lekce filmu podle Ildikó Enyediové

Masterclass with Ildikó Enyedi

Lekce filmu podle Ildikó Enyediové / 90 min.
Along with Márta Mészáros, Ildikó Enyedi is a famous Hungarian film director, who won the Caméra d’Or for her debut My in 1989. Another huge success came in 2017, when she received the Golden Bear for On Body and Soul. The masterclass will offer an analysis of her directorial style, her creative break lasting almost 18 years and the situation in contemporary Hungarian cinema.


Monday 29.07.2024
17:30 - 19:00
Culture Centre - Small Hall
90 min. / english / translation into czech
Guest: Ildikó Enyediová