New Kids Turbo

Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil / Netherlands 2010 / 84 min. / 15 years / DCP
What would the best scenes by Three Tigers or from Party Hard (2019) look like in a sensitive and civilised performance by artists from the land of tulips? Sketch comedy show New Kids offers the answer and explores the boundaries of good taste in their first feature-length adventure. And then vomits on them with great gusto. Kut!


Monday 29.07.2024
23:59 - 1:38
Sports Hall
Directors: Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil / Netherlands 2010 / 84 + 15 min. / 15 years / DCP / flemish / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Jiří Flígl, Mojmír Sedláček

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Directed by
Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil
Steffen Haars, Flip van der Kuil
Joris Kerbosch
Junkie XL
Huub Smit (Richard), Tim Haars (Gerrie), Wesley van Gaalen (Rikkert), Steffen Haars (Robbie), Flip van der Kuil (Barrie), Nicole van Nieropová (Manuela)