Odds and Evens

Pari e dispari / Sergio Corbucci / Italy 1978 / 110 min. / HD file
Since the 1950s, Italian producers and filmmakers relentlessly supplied the global film market in the spirit of the Shakespearean what you will by which they gave birth to the sword and sandal films, spaghetti westerns, giallo, Italian horror films or Poliziotteschi. It wasn’t until the end of the 1960s that they pushed themselves to the limit by creating Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.


Saturday 29.07.2023
23:59 - 1:59
Sports Hall
Director: Sergio Corbucci / Italy 1978 / 110 + 10 min. / HD file / czech
Introduction: Jiří Flígl, Aleš Říman

Additional info

Directed by
Sergio Corbucci
Mario Amendola, Bruno Corbucci, Sabatino Ciuffini, Sergio Corbucci
Luigi Kuveiller
Guido De Angelis, Maurizio De Angelis
Bud Spencer (Charlie Firpo), Terence Hill (Johnny Firpo), Luciano Catenacci (Řek Paragoulis), Marisa Lauritová (sestra Zuzana), Salvatore Borgese (Nynfus), Kim McKayová (dívka v herně), Claudio Ruffini (Pípa), Ricardo Pizzuti (Mancino), Jerry Lester (taťka Firpo)