Red River

Howard Hawks / USA 1948 / 133 min. / DCP
Tom Dunson, a stubborn Texas settler, builds up his cattle ranch from scratch having no regard for anyone. One day, he saves Matthew Garth, the survivor of an Indian attack. He fosters him and makes him his heir. But then these two men stand up against each other.


Tuesday 01.08.2023
16:45 - 19:08
Sports Hall
Director: Howard Hawks / USA 1948 / 133 + 10 min. / DCP / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Michael Málek

Additional info

Directed by
Howard Hawks
Borden Chase, Charles Schnee
Russell Harlan
Dimitri Tiomkin
John Wayne (Tom Dunson), Montgomery Clift (Matthew Garth), Joanne Druová (Tess Millayová), Walter Brennan (Groot Nadine), Coleen Grayová (Fen), Harry Carey Sr. (Melville), John Ireland (Cherry Valance), Noah Beery Jr. (Buster McGee), Harry Carey Jr. (Dan Latimer)