O robotických psech, lidožravých keřích a pracovních incidentech v univerzu bytí

Robodogs, Man-eating Shrubs and Workplace Accidents in the Universe

O robotických psech, lidožravých keřích a pracovních incidentech v univerzu bytí / 90 min.
Let’s not fool ourselves. The end of humanity is drawing near. Though no one knows if it comes in a year or hundreds of thousands of years, the VR creators are pretty certain: we will either be consumed by nature, or we will mingle with the laws of physics until the system collapses, leaving us with nothing but robodogs, broken umbrellas and wet laundry on the line in monstrous ghost towns. Is it all just a virtual second-rate theatre, or do these creators keep their finger on the pulse?


Tuesday 30.07.2024
17:30 - 19:00
Culture Centre - Small Hall
90 min. / czech
Guest: Ondřej Moravec