
Kos / Paweł Maślona / Poland 2023 / 119 min. / 15 years / DCP
Despite being a story of general Kosciuszko’s return to Poland to organize an uprising against Russians, don’t expect a classic historical epic. Director Paweł Maślona takes a subversive approach to the subject matter and admits his numerous cinematic inspirations, especially the films by Quentin Tarantino.


Friday 26.07.2024
14:00 - 16:14
Director: Paweł Maślona / Poland 2023 / 119 + 15 min. / 15 years / DCP / english, polish, russian / czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Petr Vlček
Monday 29.07.2024
19:30 - 21:44
Theatre of Moravian Slovakia
Director: Paweł Maślona / Poland 2023 / 119 + 15 min. / 15 years / DCP / english, polish, russian / czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Maciej Gil, Petr Vlček

Additional info

Directed by
Paweł Maślona
Michał A. Zieliński
Piotr Sobociński jr.
Mikołaj Trzaska
Bartosz Bielenia (Ignac Sikora), Jacek Braciak (Tadeusz Kościuszko), Jason Mitchell (Domingo), Agnieszka Grochowská (paní plukovníková), Robert Więckiewicz (rotmistr Ivan Dunin)