
Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson / USA 1932 / 90 min. / DCP
Respected dramatist and screenwriter Ben Hecht drew inspiration from the famous Borgia family when writing his characters. Noxiously ambitious nature of Tony Camonte drives him up to the top of the local gangster underworld but his overprotective relationship to his younger sister Cesca finally causes his rapid fall.


Friday 28.07.2023
16:30 - 18:10
Theatre of Moravian Slovakia
Directors: Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson / USA 1932 / 90 + 10 min. / DCP / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Michael Málek
Wednesday 02.08.2023
23:30 - 1:10
Culture Centre - Big Hall
Directors: Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson / USA 1932 / 90 + 10 min. / DCP / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Michael Málek

Additional info

Directed by
Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson
Ben Hecht, Seton I. Miller, John Lee Mahin, W. R. Burnett
Lee Garmes, L. W. O’Connell
Paul Muni (Tony Camonte), Ann Dvoraková (Cesca), Karen Morleyová (Poppy), Osgood Perkins (Johnny Lovo), C. Henry Gordon (Guarino), George Raft (Guino Rinaldo), Vince Barnett (Angelo), Boris Karloff (Gaffney)