Simon, the Magician

Simon mágus / Ildikó Enyediová / Hungary, France, Switzerland 1999 / 100 min. / DCP
An old magician is roaming through Paris, not talking, not performing magic, just smoking cigarettes, while he should perhaps be helping to investigate a mysterious murder that the police can’t solve. Why have they called in a Hungarian magician, and who is this strange man? A surrealistic film which straddles minimalist drama, detective story, romance and religious allegory.


Saturday 27.07.2024
20:00 - 22:40
Theatre of Moravian Slovakia
Director: Ildikó Enyediová / Hungary, France, Switzerland 1999 / 100 + 60 min. / DCP / french, hungarian / electronic slovak subtitles, english subtitles
Guest: Ildikó Enyediová

Additional info

Directed by
Ildikó Enyediová
Ildikó Enyediová
Tibor Máthé
Massive Attack, Plank Cluger, Brian Eno, János Másik, Jah Boble Spinner
Péter Andorai (Simon), Julie Delarmeová (Jeanne), Péter Halász (Péter), Hubert Koundé (Paul)