The New Barbarians: Warriors of the Wasteland

I nuovi barbari / Enzo G. Castellari / Italy, USA 1983 / 91 min. / 15 years / HD file
Nuclear holocaust, global genocide, explosive arrows. The Italian post-apocalyptic action movie bursts with bold ideas and resourceful exterminations of the unfortunates, while heavily exploiting homophobia and the vogue for the Mad Max.


Tuesday 01.08.2023
23:59 - 1:40
Sports Hall
Director: Enzo G. Castellari / Italy, USA 1983 / 91 + 10 min. / 15 years / HD file / english / electronic czech subtitles
Introduction: Jíří Flígl, Mojmír Sedláček

Additional info

Directed by
Enzo G. Castellari
Enzo G. Castellari, Tito Carpi
Fausto Zuccoli
Claudio Simonetti
Giancarlo Prete (Scorpion), Fred Williamson (Nadir), George Eastman (One), Anna Kanakisová (Alma), Ennio Girolami (Shadow), Venantino Venantini (otec Moses)