Apur Sansar

Apur sansar / Satjádžit Ráj / India 1959 / 106 min. / Blu-ray
The final installation of Apu’s trilogy follows the main character in his adult life. In crowded Calcutta, Apu can barely pay the rent, but he never stops dreaming of becoming an acclaimed poet. Soumitra Chatterjee, who plays Apu, made his acting debut in this film and later became a major Indian movie star.


Sunday 28.07.2024
13:45 - 15:46
Reduta - Big Hall
Director: Satjádžit Ráj / India 1959 / 106 + 15 min. / Blu-ray / bengali / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Jan Bergl
Wednesday 31.07.2024
22:00 - 0:01
Reduta - Big Hall
Director: Satjádžit Ráj / India 1959 / 106 + 15 min. / Blu-ray / bengali / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Jan Bergl

Additional info

Directed by
Satjádžit Ráj
Satjádžit Ráj
Subrata Mitra
Ravi Šankar
Saumitra Čatterdží (Apu), Šarmila Thákurová (Aparna), Alok Čakravartí (Kádžal), Svapan Mukherdží (Pulu), Dhireš Madžumdar (Sasinarajan), Sefalika Deviová (Sasinarajanova žena), Dhiren Ghoš (domovník)

More in section
Story of a Film: The Apu Trilogy