Audiovizuální výchova v pohybu: Inspirace ze zahraničí

Audiovisual Education in Motion: Inspiration from Abroad

Audiovizuální výchova v pohybu: Inspirace ze zahraničí / 120 min.
Gone are the days when audiovisual education meant screening a film and when the highlight of the whole lesson was filling out a worksheet. There are so many active ways of exploring the world of film! In this panel discussion, we will share some motivational approaches to film and audiovisual education from our international guests. We will touch upon the topics of creative film reflection, educational online tools, VR games or shadow multimedia projection.


Saturday 27.07.2024
10:30 - 12:30
HUB 123
120 min. / czech, english / translation into czech
Guest: Pia Bechtleová, Martin Černý, Lydia Greerová, Simone Moraldi, Stefanie Plappert