Město, prostor, interakce vol. II

City, Space, Interaction vol. II

Město, prostor, interakce vol. II / 90 min.
This year, the discussion panel will again address the topic of the quality of public space, its creation, urban planning, small- and large-scale cultivation, and above all, the importance of cooperation between all involved parties – architects, state officers, local politicians, developers as well as you, the general public! Guests: Jiří Opočenský (ov architects), Jakub Kynčl (knesl kynčl architects), Pavel Řihák (MAPPA, Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture, Ostrava). Hosted by: Dan Merta (ARCHITECTURA), Richard Vodička (Pole designu).


Sunday 28.07.2024
18:00 - 19:30
SFS Tent
90 min. / czech
Guest: Jakub Kynčl, Pavel Řihák, Viktor Žák, Radek Kolařík