Podoby a funkce neorealismu (nejen) v kariérách Vittoria De Sicy a Roberta Rosselliniho

Forms and Functions of Neorealism (not only) in Careers of Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini

Podoby a funkce neorealismu (nejen) v kariérách Vittoria De Sicy a Roberta Rosselliniho / 90 min.
Despite the strong conceptual basis of mostly post-war Italian neorealism, the films from this movement showed a great variety of interpretations and implementations of its theories. In order to demonstrate the diversity of approaches as well as continuous transitions in neorealist films, we will focus on two parallel directorial careers. As the title suggests, we will talk about the long-term collaboration between Vittorio De Sica and Cesar Zavattini, but we will also trace the diverse neorealist approaches in films by Roberto Rossellini.


Tuesday 01.08.2023
17:30 - 19:00
Culture Centre - Small Hall
90 min. / czech
Guest: Radomír D. Kokeš