Grey Bees

Siri bdžoly / Dmytro Mojsejev / Ukraine 2024 / 102 min. / DCP
Sergey and Pashka live in the Donbass. They are the only ones left in the depopulated village. One of them is Ukrainian, the other is Russian. They have known each other all their lives but have never really got on. Now, in the war-torn land, they kind of remained to each other. The adaptation of the famous eponymous novel captures, with humour and sensitivity, the paradoxes of human existence in the face of the absurdity of the time.


Friday 26.07.2024
16:45 - 18:42
Theatre of Moravian Slovakia
Director: Dmytro Mojsejev / Ukraine 2024 / 102 + 15 min. / DCP / russian, ukrainian / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Kamila Dolotina
Sunday 28.07.2024
22:30 - 0:27
Hvězda Cinema
Director: Dmytro Mojsejev / Ukraine 2024 / 102 + 15 min. / DCP / russian, ukrainian / electronic czech subtitles, english subtitles
Introduction: Kamila Dolotina

Additional info

Directed by
Dmytro Mojsejev
Dmytro Mojsejev podle románu Andrije Kurkova
Vadym Ilkov
Viktor Ždanov (Serhij), Volodymyr Jamněnko (Paša), Maksym Burlaka (Petro), Halyna Kornějevová (teta)