Výběr krátkých slovenských studentských snímků

Selection of Short Slovak Student Films

Výběr krátkých slovenských studentských snímků / Slovak Republic / 102 min. / HD file
The separate block of Slovak student films curated by the SFS programmers will present the documentary Poisoned Well about the terrorist attack in the LGBTQ+ bar Tepláreň in Bratislava in the autumn of 2022, the drama Last Chance about a secret love of two young women under socialism, the drama Far Between Us about a little boy raised by gay couple who later starts to look for his biological mother, two stories of a mid-life crisis with a hint of eroticism – both male (This Special Day) and female (Hot Flush), an animated film about the relativity of values (Flexin) and a documentary about an unconventional use of virtual reality (A Sea to Remember).


Sunday 28.07.2024
12:30 - 14:27
Mír Cinema
Slovak Republic / 102 + 15 min. / HD file / slovak / english subtitles
Introduction: Ondřej Moravec
Wednesday 31.07.2024
15:30 - 17:27
Mír Cinema
Slovak Republic / 102 + 15 min. / HD file / slovak / english subtitles
Introduction: Ondřej Moravec