The Black Dynasty

Černá dynastie / Štěpán Skalský / CSR 1962 / 90 min. / HD file
Two films scripted by Jan Procházka premiered during the autumn of 1962, both showing how inanimate propaganda patterns can be miraculously brought to life. One just needs to forget that he writes about masses and step down to specific individuals and their (extra)ordinary fates. The second film (after Green Horizons) and the more overstrained one was Štěpán Skalský’s The Black Dynasty.


Friday 28.07.2023
14:30 - 16:10
Reduta - Big Hall
Director: Štěpán Skalský / CSR 1962 / 90 + 10 min. / HD file / czech
Introduction: Aleš Říman

Additional info

Directed by
Štěpán Skalský
Jan Procházka, Štěpán Skalský
František Valert
Evžen Illín
Ladislav Pešek (Anton Koudelka), Zdeňka Černá (Klárka, Antonova žena), Jiří