Tokyo Chorus (Music: Whyohwhy)

Tókjó no kórasu / Jasudžiró Ozu / Japan 1931 / 91 min. / 35mm
Tokyo Chorus is sometimes described as ‘a cheerful tragedy’, due to the unexpected combination of rhetorical, narrative, and stylistic techniques employed by Ozu and Noda. They selected just comedic patterns as the means of conveying a story about marriage, unemployment, and self-respect, which did not diminish, but reinforced the socially critical aspects of their film.


Saturday 27.07.2024
15:30 - 17:16
Hvězda Cinema
Director: Jasudžiró Ozu / Japan 1931 / 91 + 15 min. / 35mm / no dialogues / electronic czech subtitles, japanese intertitles
Introduction: Radomír D. Kokeš, Viktor Palák

Additional info

Directed by
Jasudžiró Ozu
Kógo Noda (podle románu Komacua Kitamury)
Hideo Šigehara
Tokihiko Okada (Šindži Okadžima), Emiko Jagumo (Cuma Sugako, jeho žena), Hideo Sugawara (syn), Hideko Takamine (dcera), Tacuo Saitó (učitel Omura), Čóko Ída (paní Omurová), Takeši Sakamoto (pan Jamada), Rejkó Tani (ředitel Šačou)